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Q: What three things do human get from water?
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What are the three thing that human need?

the three things that human needs is, shalter, food, water.

What three basic things must the human population have in order to survive?

Food, shelter, and water

What is the most important thing for a human being to stay alive?

Well there are many things that a human simply cannot stay alive without. Food, water and oxygen are probably the most important things. A human will die in a matter of minutes without oxygen, a matter of days without water and a matter of weeks without food. You can remember the three, three, three rule. Three minutes for oxygen, three days without water and three weeks without food. This is give and take of course.

What are three things that need to be cleaned by water?

the three things that need to be cleaned from water are chemicals,germs

What three things make up the human superstructure?

The three things that make up the human superstructure is the skeleton, the muscles, and the skin.

What are the three things that make up humus?

the three things that make up a human is its personality, brine and the sex if it is a girl or a boy.

Can a human live without water?

A human can live for up to about three days without taking in any more water.

What are three things that form from to erosion?

The three things that form erosion are sand, water, and other rocks.

What are three things that happen to a drop of water in the water cycle?


How can a human survive without water?

We cannot survive without water for three day

Name three things gravity pulls down from earth?

The earth has gravity that pulls things to itself. The earth pulls human beings, the air we breathe, water, animals, trees, etc., to itself by its gravity.

What are three things that are reflected?

Water surface glass