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No one tissue does this, it is the cardiovascular (heart and blood) system that transports oxygen and other nutrients.

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Q: What tissue is responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients through the body?
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The plasma, or liquid part of the blood, is primary responsible for transporting nutrients, hormones, and wastes. Oxygen, in contrast, is carried by the red blood cells.

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Oxygen and nutrients reach cells within tissues via the bloodstream. Blood is also responsible for transporting waste away from the cells.

Does the circulatory system transport hormones to body tissues?

Yes, the circulatory system is responsible for transporting hormones to body tissues. It also carries oxygen, nutrients, and waste to where they need to be.

What is meant by haemoglobin?

It is the red protein responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood

Delivery of oxygen and nutrients?

Blood cells deliver oxygen and nutrients through the rest of the body. Blood is pumped through the lungs to collect oxygen.

What does blood mean?

Blood is a bodily fluid responsible for transporting nutrients, oxygen, and waste products throughout the body. It also plays a key role in immune defense and regulating body temperature.

What is blood responsible for?

Blood is responsible for carrying nutrients and oxygen to your cells. Also a way to dump out waste from the cells.

What is the function of the motochondria?

Mitochondria are responsible for converting oxygen and nutrients into usable energy.

What returns oxygen-poor blood to the heart?

Yes, the blood from the lungs is rich in oxygen. Since you breathe in oxygen and nutrients through your nose/mouth to the lungs, the oxygen and nutrients are absorbed in the lungs and go through the blood stream into the heart

Why is red blood cell important to your respiratory system?

Red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen around the body.

What system is responsible for the movement of nutrients oxygen wastes antibodies and hormones?

circulatory system