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Antibiotics treat bacterial infections but not viral infection.

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Q: What treats bacterial diseases but not viral diseases?
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Are mangoes have viral diseases?

Mangoes do not have viral diseases. Instead, they have bacterial and fungal diseases. Some of the include bacterial fruit rot, blossom blight, and blue mold.

Are bacterial diseases treated differently by doctors than viral diseases?

Yes. Bacterial diseases can be treated with antibiotics. Viral diseases have to run their course. Many viral diseases have vaccines available, such as flu, measles, mumps, chicken pox and so on. If your cold or flu turns into pneumonia, then that can be treated since it is bacterial.

What is the differences between viral and bacterial water-born disease?

The viral water-borne diseases cannot be treated by the antibiotics while the bacterial water-borne diseases can be treated by the antibiotics.

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What are the different diseases associated with pests?

Bacterial, fungal, and viral diseases are the different diseases which are associated with pests. Invertebrate and vertebrate pests may vector diseases by hosting and sharing bacterial, fungal or viral parasites. The exact disease will depend upon the particular host and the specific victim.

Is it easier to fight bacterial diseases in the US or in Africa?

It is thousand times easier to fight bacterial diseases in US than Africa. But when it comes to viral diseases, the difference is less dramatic.

What Ares some types of diseases?

What type of diseases are you asking about? Cardiovascular, viral, bacterial.. what? There are many diseases, but what type are do you want to know about?

What are the two basic types of disease?

the two basic types of diseases are viral and bacterial

How do you get diseases?

You get diseases from disease-causing agents called pathogens. Pathogens can be bacterial, viral, fungal, parasite-caused, etc.

What are water related diseases?

Waterborne bacterial diseases include:BotulismCampylobacteriosisCholeraTyphoid feverLeptospirosisLegionellosisDysenteryE. coli InfectionM. marinum infectionWaterborne viral diseases include:SARSHepatitis APoliomyelitisPolyomavirus infection

Why regular antibodies not be used as effective treatment of viral diseases but effective against bacterial infection?

Viral diseases are caused by viruses which live in our cells as a host. So, killing them by antibiotics means killing our own cells. This is why antibiotics are not effective against viral diseases.

How can parents that don't have a disease produce a Child with a disease?

Viral, bacterial, or hereditary? In viral diseases, the virus can just be dormant in the parents, but in the child it isn't.