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Q: What trend inspired composers to write music evoking scenes of sounds of far off lands?
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What national park inspired ''The Lion King''?

It sounds like it was mostly inspired by the Serengeti.

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What inspired Kandinsky's painting?

Kandinsky was inspired by music, for many of his pieces. He used darker colours for deeper sounds, lighter colours for quiter brighter sounds, and so on.

To create fresh sounds twentieth century composers used what techniques?

The use of sounds created electronically was often used. Electronic sounds could not be produced using conventional musical instruments.

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Which line from the poem presents the reader with sensory details in The Raven?

The line "And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain" presents the reader with sensory details by evoking the sounds and textures of the curtains.

Can you suggest an artist with initials RW who painted seaside scenes?

I have a picture that sounds just like this! Have you had any joy?

Why did twentieth century composers incorporated elements of folk and popular music within their personal styles?

They were attracted to the unconventional rhythms, sounds, and melodic patterns

What inspires kandinsky to paint?

Kandinsky was inspired by music, for many of his pieces. He used darker colours for deeper sounds, lighter colours for quiter brighter sounds, and so on.

What are the two of the most obvious musical elements that composers use to achieve variety?

This is a pretty broad question. It really depends on what era of music we are talking about but overall I'd say using different instrumentation creates a great variety of sounds for composers and using a wide variety of tempos and pitches keeps it interesting.

What is the song believe in The Polar Express inspired by?

I know this sounds crazy but at least the beginning sounds like a Hamilton commercial, with reference to a faith in technology- watches and celestial navigation. Then it side slips in to silly old- clausism.

What is the functions of onomatopoeia?

The function of onomatopoeia is to create sensory and auditory associations by imitating or representing the sounds associated with the words being used. It helps to bring a vivid and expressive quality to writing or speech, adding depth and enhancing the reader's or listener's experience. Onomatopoeia can also serve to create a specific atmosphere or mood by evoking familiar sounds.