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Minoan, Achaean, Egyptian, Persian.

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Q: What 3 civilizations influenced the greek civilization?
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How did the Minoan civilization influence the Greek civilization?

As they were 2 of the 3 first major greek civilizations (the first was the Cycladic) their influence was great.The Minoan civ specially in maritime technology and in architecture and the Mycenaean civ in language and in the organization of the state.

What 3 civilizations developed on Tigris and Euphrates river?

There was only one civilization that existed on the Tigris and Euphrates River. That civilization was Mesopotamia. There were three other civilizations that existed in other areas. These civilizations were the Egyptians, the Longshan, and the Harappa.

What 3 important developments from Greece and Rome influenced western civilization?

yes!!! Please Help!!!!!There are many more than three developments from the Greco-Roman civilization that has influenced western civilization, but three developments are the idea of democracy, a republic with civil rights and Christianity.

What sources was the three civilizations of western political thought?

1. Hebrew (Jewish) 2. Greek 3. Roaman

What are the names of the three early African civilizations?

the first majorAfrican civilization is the Egypt=the second major African civilization is the Mali==the third African major civilization is the Ghana==the fifth African major civilization is the Mali=

What 2 major rivers influenced the four earliest civilizations of the world?

1) Amazon 2) Nile 3) Tigris-Euphrates 4) Indus

What 3 civilization conquered and enslaved Hebrews?

The three civilizations that conquered the Hebrews were: Egypt, Assyrians, and Chaldeans. The Hebrews went through a cycle of being captured, enslaved, and freed.

River valley civilization?

Four river valley civilizations are: 1) Egyptian (Nile River) civilization 2) Tigris-Euphrates civilization 3) Huang He (Yellow River) civilization 4) Indus civilization

What are the three early civilizations?

In the classical era the three major civilizations include the following:The Bronze Age from: 3000-1100 BCThe Early Iron Age from 1000-27 BCThe Roman Era from 27 BC-612 AD

What are the four main river valley civilizations?

The Egyptian civilization around the Nile river, the Mesopotamian/Sumerian civilization around the Tigris and Euphrates, the Indus Valley civilization of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro around the Indus river, and the Chinese/Shang civilization around the Yellow river.

What is one way in which the Aztec and Inca civilization are similar?

they both wore shoes and spoke a language.

What 3 things were the US influenced by the Greeks?

they influenced paintings,art,literature and theatre <3