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All it needs is some kind of metal in the substance.

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Q: What two conditions do substances need to conduct electricity?
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Do solid nac2h3o2 and sugar crystals conduct electricity?

no, you need moving changed particles to conduct electricity

What are three properites of an ionic compound?

Both CATIONS (M^([n]+)) and ANIONS (X^([n]-)) are needed. It has a high melting point. It does NOT conduct electricity as a solid, but does conduct electricity, when liquid or in solution. The bonding is ionic (NOT Covalent) Forms a giant crystalline lattice.

Why does magnesium oxide conduct electricity when molten?

Magnesium oxide is an ionic substance, so when in a solid state the ions are held in a strong lattice formation (electrostatic forces of attraction between oppositely charged ions). Ionic substances can only conduct electricity if their ions are free to move. In a molten state, the ions become free to move (the strong electrostatic forces of attraction are overcome when the melting poing is reached) and can therefore carry a charge (i.e. conduct electricity).

How do you store hazardous substances?

That will depend on the hazard of the substance- flammable, toxic, explosive, radiactive? It will need to be stored in a manner that it is secure, and separated from the conditions that would increase the hazard.

Will anions alone in a solution conduct electricity or do both anions and cations need to be present?

Anions alone in a solution could conduct electricity, if they were in contact with suitable electrodes. In general, however, anions alone in solution cannot exist for long, because the electrical potential of the resulting solution would be too high to be stable. One of the few practical exceptions occurs when cations can not dissolve because they are part of a polymer that has too high a molecular weight to be soluble in water, but the anions are soluble. If a polymer of this type is made into a thin and porous membrane, the anions can conduct electricity through the membrane, but only between the membrane and (i) an electrode or (ii) a solution that contains both anions and cations.

Related questions

Why doesn't some substances conduct electricity?

To conduct electricity you need the ability for tiny particles called electrons to move freely from one atom or molecule to another. If there are no electrons moving freely, there is no electrical charge. :) hope this helps

Do solid nac2h3o2 and sugar crystals conduct electricity?

no, you need moving changed particles to conduct electricity

How does an electric eel conduct electricity?

the electric eel conduct electricity like how lights need electricity to work and like how the human body needs electricity to work.

Why do you need a metal wire in a circuit?

To conduct the electricity!

Why do you need two metals to conduct electricity?

You need different atoms...?

Can K3PO4 conduct electricity?

Not unless it is either:dissolved in watermeltedYou need to have mobile ions for a salt to conduct.

Does salt water need a battery to conduct electricity?

no it dosent because the salt water cuts off the electricity

Why electrolysis does not take place in distilled water?

You will need a electrolyte for it conduct electricity such as sodium chloride (table salt).

Why do you need to use coated instruments for a leep procedure?

The coated instruments do not conduct the electricity used during the LEEP.

What do you call solids that conduct electricity?

A substance that conducts electricity is a conductor. There is no special name for one that is solid; if you need to specify that it is solid, just call it a "solid conductor".

Why doesn't water conduct electrical?

Usually you need ions in order to conduct an electric current and distilled water only contains a very minute ion concentration. Once ions are added, though it can conduct electricity.

Why salt is needed to conduct electricity?

Ultrapure water is a bad conductor; you need a salt, which form ions, to increase the electrical conductivity.