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photosynthesis and a good root system

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Magali Herman

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Q: What two factors are important to grasslands?
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What two factors are more important to grasslands?

Two factors that are more important to grasslands are temperature and precipitation. These factors determine the type and amount of plant life that can grow in a grassland ecosystem.

Is a BIOTIC factor in a grassland environment This is an example of the bees?

Yes. The biotic factor is what makes grasslands grasslands: grasses and the animals that graze them are biotic factors. Bees are also biotic factors of grasslands.

What two factors are important to form soil?

two factors that are important to form soil are organic matter ,water , and air

2 abiotic and biotic factors of grasslands?


What are two types of grasslands?

Grasslands include fields and plains

What factors cause grasslands to develop instead of forests?


Why do they call grasslands greenswards and why?

A greensward is an area of ground which is primarily covered in grass and small Herbaceous Plants. The term "grassland" is also an apt description of a greensward, with some people differentiating between the two terms by referring to man-made grasslands as greenswards, and natural grasslands as grasslands. Whatever you call them, greenswards are important ecological features, and they have played an important role in human existence for centuries.

What are the two factors that interact to create a persons perception of an object How is this important for marketers?

The two factors that interact to create a person's perception of an object are stimulus factors and individual factors.

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What are the two grasslands?

savana and prairy