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One is rhodophyta, which surprisingly includes kelps.

Another is chlorophyta, which is made of colonies of organisms.

This is the closest you could get to two phylums of multicellular organisms in kingdom Protista.

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The 24,000 bryophyte species, sometimes grouped into a single phylum are now grouped in three phyla: Mosses(Bryophyta), Liverworts (Hepatophyta) and Hornworts (Anthoceraphyta).

The main phylum, the Ferns (Filicinophyta = Pteridophyta) includes around 12,000 species.

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Anthocerotophyta, Lycopodiophyta, Hepatophyta and Psilophyta

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Q: What two phyla contain multicellular organisms that are in kingdom Protista?
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What are facts about the kingdom protista?

It is known as the odds and ends kingdom by some biologists because of the nature of the creatures classified within this kingdom.

Which eukaryotic kingdom was the first kingdom to ever be discovered?

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