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One Of Them Is The Komodo Dragon

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Q: What type of animal takes 5 years to hatch?
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Related questions

What do you do to lay an egg?

Well you have to be that type of animal in that situation,then fertillise the egg and it will hatch to whatever type of animal.

How long does It take for a pekin duck to hatch?

28 days on average, though there is a type of duck which takes 35.

How long before love birds eggs hatch?

it takes about 13 to 28 days before they will hatch but it also depends on the type of bird it is if it is a duck egg it would take about 16 to 25 days

What days egg hatch in day care in Pokemon Blue sea?

Your Pokemon doesn't hatch in days, it hatches in steps. Your character in the game has a built in pedometer (counts steps) and depending on the Pokemon type, depends on how many steps it takes to hatch it. Hope that helped!

Do jellyfish stay with their parents after they're hatch?

In nature, most animal mothers take care of their young. Jellyfish are not those type of mothers. When baby jellyfish hatch, they float out and live on their own.

How animals hatch from eggs develop?

It depends on which animal you're talking about. So, since you didn't type a specific animal, I will do a chick. When a hen lays an egg, a tiny body is inside. There is also yolk. The tiny body feeds on the yolk. It gets it's warmth from it's mother. That is how a chick grows. It takes about 30 daysbefore it hatches.

What type of ED do you have to have to be an animal trainer?

you have to go to college for atleast 4 years.

What is hatching period of fowl bird?

The number of days it takes for an egg to hatch depends upon the type of fowl. For example bantam chickens may take 19 to 21 days to hatch while standard sized chickens take a full 21 days to hatch. Turkeys and some ducks take 28 days to hatch and geese can take 28 to 32 days depending on the breed.

How many years in vocational school?

it takes 2 years to get a vocational certificate

How do you hatch an egg in Pokemon pearl?

It can hatch faster by using a fire type Pokèmon at the first tab-thingy on your party. I'm waiting for my Riolu egg to hatch.Too. But if you don't do that, it will take probbaly 1,000 - 10,000 steps to hatch. So be patient! Oh you can ride your bike on 2nd or 4th gear, to make it fast. (It takes about 5 minutes)

What type of vet takes care of tigers and other vary large animals?

The vet is called a large animal vet

Do animals live long?

It depends on the type and size of the animal. Generally larger animals have longer lifespans than smaller ones, for example Asian elephants can live up to about 80 years where as a worker ant can live up to a year. But this case is not always true. Large dogs typically have shorter lifespans than smaller dogs. About 5-10 years vs. 10-15. Also when it comes to the time pregnancy takes in an animal also has to do with it's species. Although it is frequent that the larger the animal the longer the pregnancy, a hippopotamus gestation period (which is 220-255 days) is shorter than a donkey's (around 365 days) The time it takes for an animal to reach adulthood is also based around the size of the animal. A mouse takes about 5-8 weeks to become sexually mature, and a dolphin about 10 years.