

What type of biopolymer is a saturated fat?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What type of biopolymer is a saturated fat?
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Saturated Fat and MAYBE Trans Fat depending on the brand.

What is the main type of fat in crisps?

the main type of fat in crisps is saturated fat

What type of fat should you be cutting down on?

saturated fat :)

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What type of fat is saturated fat?

Saturated fat has all bonding positions where hydrogen atoms could bond occupied by hydrogen atoms.

What type of fat increases blood cholesterol levels?

saturated fat

What type of fat is animal based and solid at room temp?

Fat (Saturated fat).

What type of fat is most harmful?

Saturated fats.

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What is The most dangerous type of fat?

Saturated fat because it can cause cardiovascular diseases

What type of fat is most dangerous?

Saturated fat because it can cause cardiovascular diseases

Is butter a form of a saturated fat?

Yes, butter is a type of saturated fat. Unsaturated fats would be oils - things that are liquid at room tenperature.