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B negative or O negative.

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Q: What antibodies does a person have with B negative blood?
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What antibodies do a person with A- have?

A person with A negative blood will form antibodies to Rh + and to B

What is Blood Type B negative for antibodies?

What is Blood Type B+ Negative for antibodies

A person with type A blood will have which one either A or B antibodies in plasma?

A - blood type

What antigens are expressed if a person is blood type AB negative?

My daughter is AB negative , I am B positive and her dad it A negative

A person with type A blood has antibodies to?

Type A blood will produce antibodies against B antigens.

What kind of antibodies does type AB have?

Since that person has anti-B antibodies, then A antigens are present in her red blood cells. Since that person doesnt have anti-A antibodies, then there are no B antigens present, which means the person has A type blood.

What does having blood which types as B positive mean?

Blood type B positive means that you have anti-A antibodies, B-antigens, and an Rh factor that is positive. As a B+, you can receive blood from people with blood types O postive, O negative, B positive, and B negative, however a B+ blood type can only donate to a person with B+ and AB+ blood type.

What kinds of blood can a A negative person receive?

(b negative) person can only receive blood from b negative person or ( o negative )person

What kind of antibodies are found in 0 negative blood?

Type O negative blood has antibodies against both A and B type blood. This means that you can give blood to any type of blood (A, B, O) but can only receive your exact blood type. Type O negative is one of the most rare types, and is known as the "universal donor".

What kind of antibodies does a person with type A blood have?


Why cant a person with type a blood receive blood from a person with type b blood?

because in blood group B anti-A antibodies are present.

Why blood group o should not receive blood from other groups?

Blood group O has both a and b antibodies, therefore receiving blood from blood group A, the A-antigens will agglutinate with the b-antibodies of the person with blood group O. Receiving blood from blood group B will also cause agglutination of its b-antigens and the blood group O's a-antibodies.