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Pericarditis, Endocarditis, and Myocarditis. All of these are inflammation diseases of the heart and if it is caused by bacteria, then it can be treated by antibiotics, because antibiotics clear up infections/bacteria.

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If it is caused by bacteria then there's a couple of disorders that can be treated from antibiotics for caridovascular diseases including: Pericarditis, Endocarditis, and Myocarditis. -itis, meaning inflammation of the heart, bacteria not always, but can cause inflammantion which would lead to antibiotics, if it is not a bacterial disease then your doctor would be using a different treatment! Hope this helps! :)

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Q: What type of cardiovascular diseases may be treated with antibiotics?
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You should never give antibiotics to any patient - cat, dog, human - without a prescription. The reason is that antibiotics only work for certain types of bacteria - if you use them for diseases that cannot be treated with that type of antibiotics, the medication will do more harm than good. It will not cure the disease, but the patient can experience unwanted side effects. In addition, misuse of antibiotics contributes to creating resistant bacteria that can cause very problematic diseases. Your vet will tell you what type of antibiotics, if any, your cat needs, and if leftover medication from your dog will do.

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