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A consumer that eats producers is called a primary consumer. Water buffalo eat grass, which is a producer. This means that buffalo are primary consumers.

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Q: What type of consumer is a water buffalo?
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Is a buffalo a secondary or primary consumer?

It is a consumer. It eats grass

Is a buffalo a primary or secondary consumer?

A buffalo is a primary consumer.

What type of animal is a bubalus bubalis?

A bubalus bubalis is a water buffalo or a domestic Asian water buffalo.

What is the scientific name of buffalo?

That would depend on which type of buffalo you are referring to. There are American Buffalo, Wisent (aka Eurasian Buffalo), Water Buffalo, etc.

What type of animal does a water buffalo eat?

Buffalo's are herbivores they only eat vegetation.

Are buffalo a consumer?


Is a buffalo a secondary consumer?

primary because secondary consumers eat animals and plants and butterflys dont eat animals (:

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Yes, if the crocodile is able to grab a not so big buffalo with their jaws when the buffalo is drinking water.

What type of food did Cheyennes eat?

buffalo,wild berries,and they drank water

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What type of food did the Cheyenne eat?

buffalo,wild berries,and they drank water