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Shallow focus earthquakes occur at the mid ocean ridges because the thin lithosphere found there is to weak to allow a large amount of strain to build up and cause larger earthquakes.

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Q: What type of earthquake occurs in mid ocean ridges?
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What is an earthquake that occurs in the ocean?

A seaquake is a type of earthquake that occurs under the seafloor.

What type of faulting characterizes mid-ocean ridges and why?

The type of faulting that characterizes mid-ocean ridges is a transform fault. This type of faulting occurs because transform fault ridges stay in the same fixed location, thus the new ocean sea floor being created at the ridges is pushed away from the ridge.

What type of boundary occurs in the new ocean floor?

New ocean floor is created at mic-ocean ridges which are divergent plate boundaries.

Can you see a picture of ocean that has ridges?

go to google and type mid ocean ridge, and there will be pictures of oceans with ridges!

At which type of plate boundary are mid-ocean ridges found?

Mid-ocean ridges are located at undersea divergent plate boundaries.

At which type boundary do mid-ocean ridges occur?


Mid ocean ridges are the most common type of?

Mid-ocean ridge basalt is the most common type of rock on earth. The entire surface of the ocean is made up of it. Mid-ocean ridges are the source of shallow, small-magnitude earthquakes.

Mid-ocean ridges are the most common type of what?

Divergent Boundary :)

What are mid ocean ridges the most common type of?

Divergent Boundary :)

What type of rock are made mid-ocean ridges made of?

igneous rock

What type of plate movement causes mid ocean ridges and sea floor spreading?

Mid-ocean ridges and seafloor spreading are characteristics of oceanic diverging plates, plates that are moving away from each other.

What is the color and type of rock that forms oceanic crust at mid-ocean ridges?

dark colored and igneous