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Metals lose electrons, nonmetals gain electrons.

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Q: What type of elements gain and loose electrons as they form bonds?
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Related questions

What are shared to form bonds when elements are combined?

Electrons, specifically valence electrons are shared when elements form bonds.

Why do elements in group 4A do not form ionic bonds?

Group-14 elements share electrons. they form covalent bonds.

Which family of elements in the Periodic Table form bonds by gaining electrons?

Non metals form bonds by gaining electrons. They form anions.

What type of bond form when elements share electrons?

covalent bonds

What are valence electrons used for by an elements?

They are used to form covalent bonds.

How do elements turn into a compound?

Elements turn into a compound by gaining or losing electrons to form ionic bond. They can also share electrons to form covalent bonds.

When metals react with other elements do the atoms of the metals gain or lose?

Metals are likely to make anions. So they lose electrons to get a positive charge. The other elements gain electrons and get negatively charged.

Which group of elemens lose 2 valence electrons when heir atoms form ionic bonds?

The elements in columns 2 and 12 of a wide form periodic table will lose 2 valence electrons when the elements form ionic bonds. (Some other elements also have or can have this property.)

Why do elements form ionic and or covalent bonds?

Covalent or molecular compounds form when elements share electrons in a covalent bond to create molecules.

Why carbon atoms cannot form ionic bonds in its compounds?

carbon atoms cannot form ionic bonds because it can neither gain or loose electrons as it has 4 electrons in its valence it share its electrons which forms covalent bond.

Why is it easier for group 14 elements in the periodic table to become stable instead of transferring electrons?

Group-14 elements do not transfer electrons. They share electrons to form covalent bonds.

Elements of which form ionic bonds between them when combined together?

I think you mean IONS. Elements that form IONS by losing or gaining electrons, form IONIC bonds. These form when a metal reacts with a non-metal.