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Photosynthesis is powered by light energy from the sun; and sunlight is a type of energy called electromagnetic energy or radiation. Electromagnetic energy travels in space as rhythmic waves.

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Electromagnetic Waves.

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Q: What energy travels through space as RHythmic waves in a plant?
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Energy travels through radiation

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How does the water move from the soil to the plant?

the plant roots move around in the soil and soak up the water. then the water travels through the plant.

Where does water enter the plant?

Water enters a plant through it's roots and stem. After it enters the roots and stem, it travels through the plants "veins."

How does nutreance travel around the plant?

it travels through the xylem (water) and the phloem minerals

What is the part of a plant which transports the sap through the plant?

the cambian is dead but that's is what it (sap)travels around but its the crown that produce it

How does the sun give plant energy?

through photosynthesis

Where does a plant get energy from when it has grown through the soil?

A new seedling gets its energy from the cotyledons of the seed. Once the plant breaks through the surface of the soil, it starts gathering energy from sunlight or artificial light, through the process of photosynthesis.

How does glucose leave and enter plants?

Glucose is transported through the plant's vascular system, specifically through the phloem.

What converts solar energy into chemical energy through phototsynthesis?

chloroplasts in the plant's cells

How does transportaion of food takes place in plants?

The transportation of food in plant takes place through phloem. The transport of soluble products of photosynthesis in plants is known as translocation. The translocation is achieved by utilising energy.