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pie chart

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Q: What type of graph best shows the proportion of different population in a given area - a bar graph a pie chart or a line graph?
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Is the proportion of ill persons in a population the same as the probability that a random selected person in that population will have disease?

If I understand your question, yes, the proportion of people in a population ill with a certain disease at a given time is the same as the probablility that a randomly selected person in that population will have the disease at that time.

What are the 3 different kinds of proportion?

*direct proportion - As one values increases, so does the other. *indirect proportion - As one values increases, the other decreases. *partitive proportion - involves identifying parts of a whole based on a given ratio of these parts.

Does anyone have a tuning chart for a tsymbaly?

This is not exactly a tuning chart but the article given below does discuss different tunings and also gives references.

Why would you use a line graph for population?

A line graph would be used for population [change] because you are showing how the population increases or decreases over time. If you are talking about comparing different populations at one given time, then a bar graph or pi chart would be used.

Define Phat in statistics?

p-hat is the 'proportion in your sample.' It may be given as a percentage, a proportion or you will have to figure it out as a fraction (proportion).

What is the name given to a chart drawn on the same worksheet as its data?

Embedded Chart

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A community

Name given to a sailors map?

Nautical chart

What is a morbidity rate?

A morbidity rate is the proportion of patients w/a particular disease during a given year per given unit of population.

What chart shows the probability of surviving to any given age?

It is a life expectancy chart.

What is test chart?

A test chart is a chart that shows the results of a given competition or event. There are various types of test charts namely the Snellen Chart and the USAF resolution test chart.

What term best describes the number of individuals of a given species per unit area?

Population density.