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Destructive interference

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Q: What type of interference causes the crest of the wave to decrease or cancel out?
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When two waves interact and their amplitudes cancel out what interference has occurred?

A trough meeting a crest causes the wave to cancel each other out, thus being at rest. Answer2: Destructive interference.

When the crest of a wave overlaps with the trough of another wave?

This is called "destructive interference" and the waves cancel each other out into what is called a "node" or "nodal point".

What type of interference occurs when waves meet crest to crest or trough to trough?

No, that would be destructive interference. One crest + one trough = nothing, a flat line.

Why does destructive interference occur when the path lengths from two identical sources differ by half a wavelength?

because the crest and the troughs interfere with each other and cancel

What is the result of two waves over laping?

I'm guessing you're talking about Transverse waves? eg. ~ Waves consist of two parts - a crest and a trough. The crest are the high points, and a trough is the low points. When a crest meets another crest, the wave is amplified, causing constructive interference (the crests add to each other). The same thing occurs when a trough meets a trough. However, when a crest meets a trough, the wave is diminished, causing destructive interference (the crest and trough cancel each other out).

What happens when the crest of one wave overlaps the crest of another wave wave?

constructive interference

What type of interference occurs when the crests of one wave overlaps the crest of another wave?

constructive interference

Waves combine to make a wave with a larger amplitude in a process called?

This process is called destructive interference. This occurs when two waves collide, where one is in a trough and one is in a crest. If the waves are both a max amplitude, max crest and max trough, there will be complete destructive interference.

What occurs when crest overlap crest and troughs overlap troughs?

constructive wave interference, where the crests and troughs 'add' so are increased in amplitude.

What if the wave on the left had a 3cm crest and the wave on the right had a 3cm crest What would the resulting interference be?

The answer depends on the wavelengths as well as the amplitudes.

Distinguish between constructive interference and destructive interference?

Constructive interferences occur when two waves combine (add up) by the superpostition principle. Destructive interferences occur when the crest of one wave interferes with the trough of another. Amplitudes are subtracted.

When the crest of one wave passes through the trough of another wave takes place.?

Destructive interference takes place. Constructive interference occurs when the trough of one wave passes through the crest of another wave