

What type of motion is a net force acting on an object?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Accelerated motion (F=ma)

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Q: What type of motion is a net force acting on an object?
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Type your answer here... it means that measure the weight of object.Because weight of an object =force of gravity acting on it

What kind of force causes and object to change its motion?

Any type of force will do, as long as it's an unbalanced force.

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A net force from something outside of the system.

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Horizontal force in one component of the magnetic force on earth. Horizontal is a direction, and force is any external efforts that causes an object to change.

What is newton's first law of physics?

Newton's first law of motion is often stated as An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in he same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

What type of force does an object have if its net force is equal to zero?

If the net force on an object is zero, we can say that the forces are balanced, or that they are in equilibrium(which really means the same thing). There may be forces acting on the object, but there is an equal and opposite force pushing or pulling in the opposite direction, and all the forces balance out. Alternatively, there may be no forces acting on the object at all.

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Can force stop motion?

if you put force on an object, in the opposite way it is moving. force makes an object with mass accelerate. if the force you put accelerates it enough it will stop spontaneously, or else it will stop slowly. if that first type of motion was created by force, and i mean the force is still forcing the object to move, then u have to put more force to the object in the opposite direction in order to stop it. F= m*a where F = force , m= mass , a= acceleration hope u got ur answer

An object at rest will remain at rest unless this type of force acts upon it?

An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. This is part of Newton's third law of motion.

What is an object that acts as if there no forces acting on it all?

Inert- in order for any object to do anything, there has to be a force of some kind acting upon it, whether it be kinetic, heat, light, electrical, chemical or any other type of energy. An object that has nothing acting upon it doesn't do anything, because it can't.

What force oposes motion?

That depends on the type and direction of motion to which you are referring. Friction would be a good example of an opposing force to forward motion along a surface, such as kicking a ball along grass or pushing a toy car along concrete or carpet. Drag or air resistance acts to resist the motion of an object through a gas, It is relatively unusual in that it depends strongly on the velocity of the object in question. For example, a sky diver will fall and accelerate towars the surface of the earth due to the force of gravity. As his velocity increases, so to will the drag force. At some velocity this drag force opposing motion will equal the gravitational force causing motion. This means that the net force acting on the skydiver will be zero and they will no longer continue to accelerate. The velocity at which drag force equals the force due to gravaty is known as terminal velocity. Gravity is a good example of an opposing force to upward motion, such as throwing a ball into the air.