

What type of muscle moves you internal organs?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Cardiac muscle tissue is what pumps the heart. Smooth muscle tissue will move every other internal organ.

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Q: What type of muscle moves you internal organs?
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What type of muscle issue moves internal organs?

I dont know what type or the type of answer i know is spose to be for this but i fink it is "The central Nerone system".

Which type of muscles is found in internal organs?

The internal organs except for the heart have smooth muscle. The heart has myocardial muscle.

What type of muscle is found in the wall of hollow internal organs?

Smooth Muscle

Which type of muscle are located in the walls of internal organs and are not under voluntary control?

smooth muscle

Which type of muscle makes up the internal organs that are not under voluntary control?

Smooth muscle (which is not striated)

What type of muscle tissue makes up most internal organs?

smooth tissue

What Type of connective tissue protects internal organs and provides rigid support for muscle attachment?

Fascia protects internal organs and Tendons allow muscles to attach to bones

Which type of muscle tissue makes possible movement of internal organs?

Internal organs usually do not move. Unless you mean the contraction of the heart, which is composed of cardiomyocytes. If you have experienced some strange movement of other organs you should contact your doctor.

What is the muscle that surrounds the blood vessel?

Blood vessels are surrounded by smooth muscle. This is often known as visceral muscle. This type of muscle also lines the blood vessels and internal organs.

Which type of muscle moves contents through hollow organs such as the intestines?

Something called smooth muscle moves the walls of all hollow organs except the heart. The muscle is called smooth because the microscopic subunits called sacromeres are not in any special arrangement. Skeletal muscle is called striated muscle because these units are in a uniform arrangement that appear as striations when seen under the microscope.

What type of muscle moves bones?

Skeletal Muscles.

What type of muscle found in the walls of your organs?

Smooth muscle.