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When water is removed, dehydration is a type of reaction that occurs.

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Q: What type of reaction occurs when water is removed?
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What is the type of reaction that occurs when complex molecules are formed from simpler molecules and water is removed?

The condensation polymerization takes place by removal of water molecules from organic molecules as formation of Bakelite , Terylene and Nylon. in plants starch is also formed by this mechanism from Glucose molecules.

What type of chemical reaction occurs when polymer apart by water?

Dehydration synthesis, also called condensation, is the type of reaction that builds polymers by removing water.

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What type fo chemical reaction occurs when polymers are broken apart by water?

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What type of reaction occurs when an cooks in a pan?

This is a thermal degradation reaction.

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A fusion reaction.

What type of chemical reaction occurs when water is added to a reaction?

You may be speaking of hydrolysis, in which a macromolecule is broken down into smaller molecules by the addition of water. Refer to the related links for an illustration.

What chemical reaction occurs to form disaccharides?

A disaccharide is formed when two monosaccharides are joined together by a reaction known as a dehydration, or condensation, synthesis. In this type of reaction water is removed, thus the name "dehydration". A new molecule is formed or "synthesized" from the two previously separate ones.

What type of reaction occurs when an egg cooks in a pan?

This is a thermal degradation reaction.

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This is an endothermic reaction.

What type of a reaction occurs when potassium metal reacts with fluorine gas?

synthesis reaction