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Any reaction that consumes energy, or has a positive delta(H), is called an endothermic reaction.

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Every reaction requires energy. for example when you have power, it requires energy, so does mass movement as well :)

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Q: During the course of which type of reaction is energy consumed?
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Is energy consumed at any time during an exothermic reaction?

Yes, during the time it absorbs energy to break bonds.

Lower a chemical reactions activation energy?

A catalyst lowers the activation energy without being consumed during a reaction

Does the amount of energy change during a chemical reaction?

duuh...of course it does

Is there energy consumed at any time during an exothermic reaction?

Burning is an exothermic reaction, but to get gas, or wood, or coal to burn you must start by using some energy to get the reaction started. After it starts it will produce enough energy to keep the reaction going and to release excess energy. This energy put in to start the process is called the activation energy.

The favorability or spontaneity of a reaction increases when during the course of a reaction?

the energy content and entropy both decrease

What is the measurement used to describe how much energy is produced or used during a chemical change?

The free energy (delta G) is the measure of the amount of energy produced or consumed in a reaction. Enthalpy (delta H) is a measure of the amount of heat produced or consumed in a reaction. These two quantities can sometimes be the same. When they are not, the other missing component where heat can be consumed or produced is work.

What term is given to a substance which speeds up a reaction and is unchanged after the reaction?

Catalyst- lowers the activation energy of a reaction but is not consumed.

What is the mode of action of enzymes in reactions?

They lower the activation energy of the reaction without being consumed by the reaction.

How quickly are catalysts consumed in a reaction?

Catalysts are never consumed in the reaction. that's what makes them catalyst! not a reactant. they increase the rate of reaction by lowering the activation energy for the reaction. One of the ways to do this by providing an alternative route for the reaction to follow.

Energy is _____ during glycolysis?

produced and consumed

What is the function of enymes?

Enzymes are biological catalysts. They speed up biochemical reaction. During the course of a reaction, the enzyme molecules do not get consumed. At the end of a reaction, the enzyme molecules are ready for another reaction. Enzymes are able to catalyze reactions by decreasing the free energy change (delta G) associated with a biochemical reaction. When the reactants have to go through a smaller free energy change, the products are formed faster.

What happens to the potential energy of the molecules in a reaction?

The potential energy of the molecules change during a reaction.