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Probably the metamorphic rock phyllite.

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Q: What type of rock was the metamorphic rock schist formed from?
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No, schist is a metamorphic rock type.

What type of rocks Schist?

Schist is a high-grade metamorphic rock.

What type of rock is mica schist?

It is a folliated metamorphic rock.

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phyllite is a metamorphic rock somewhat like slate and schist

What region is the schist rock found?

Schist is a type of rock that is metamorphic. It can be found all around North and South America, as well as Europe.

What type of metamorphism would result in a schist?

Most schists are derived from phyllite, a lower grade metamorphic rock.

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What is schist what part did it play in the building of New York?

Schist is a metamorphic rock. This type of rock has been changed because of great heat or pressure, or both

Does schist exist outside the US?

Schist is a term for a type of metamorphic rock, and yes, it is found outside the U.S. as well as within it.

What type of rock often have foliation?

Metamorphic rocks often have foliation. Schist is a common example.

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