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All smoking is dangerous, Cigarettes are horrible from massive amounts of chemicals put into them. Cigars can potentially cause throat and mouth cancer and Marijuana is harmful do to the amount of tar since about one "Joint" has the tar equivalence to about one pack of cigarettes.

On that note, I'm going out for a smoke.

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cigars are more dangerous than cigarettes. One cigar has as much nicotine as an entire pack of cigarettes.

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Q: What type of secondhand smoke is more dangerous cigarette or cigar?
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Is nicotine in secondhand smoke?

Yes; along with numerous other toxins emitted from the burning of the cigarette/cigar.

What are the symphtoms of second and smoke?

Secondhand smoke is just as dangerous if not more dangerous than firsthand smoke. In fact, 50% of the smoke from a cigarette turns into secondhand smoke. Also, when one is sucking on a cigarette, though it is very damaging, they blow out the smoke and also have the filter on the cigarette. By the time smoke gets to another person, they may just inhale it and cough, unknowing that they've just inhaled a lot of secondhand smoke. They also have no filter to protect them.

What percentage of cigarette smoke causes secondhand smoke?

over 90%

What does seconhand smoke mean?

Secondhand smoke is unfiltered smoke from something like a cigarette.

What is smoke that comes from another person cigarette called?

This smoke is referred to as "secondhand smoke."

What is the smoke that escapes from the tip of a cigarette pipe or cigar?

It is 'sidestream' smoke.

What damage does smoking do to your family?

it can kill them by breathing it in it is called Secondhand smoke. secondhand smoke can contain carbon monoxide and cionide. it is especially bad to smoke if you have family members who have asthma or are allergic to cigarette smoke or secondhand smoke.

Can you get second hand smoke from e-cigs?

Not really... it is possible to inhale secondhand vapors, but it's not the same as secondhand smoke from a cigarette.

Is a cigar worse than a cigarette?

they are both very harmful to your body, but yes a cigar is worse than a cigarette, this because more chemicals are put into making a cigar and they are larger, the chemicals in the cigar produce more smoke fumes and tar, to smoke a cigar you have to inhale deeper than a cigarette so the harmful chemicals get further into your lungs.

What do you call the combination of smoke from the burning end of a cigarette and the exhaled smoke from a smoker?

Sidestream Smoke. More than half the pollutants emitted by a cigarette come not from the smokedend of the cigarette but from its other end - the cigarette's burning end - and are called sidestream smoke.

Smoke is given off by a burning cigarette cigar or pipe?


How do you smoke a Swisher Cigar?

It depends on what you mean by miniature cigar. A little cigar the size of a cigarette is smoked the same way a cigarette is smoked. A cigarillo, which is just a slimmed down version of a cigar, is usually already cut and ready to light. Hope it helps, enjoy your smoke...