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red foxes need a shelter that will hurt them when sleeping!
they have more then one shelter also they usually live by a farm.

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Q: What shelter does red squirrels require?
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What do red squirrels do for a living?

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No. Where the grey and red squirrels intermingle, the red squirrels tend to be pushed out by the larger greys.

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I think both things

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What factors have contributed to decrease in red squirrel numbers?

Some factors that have contributed in the decrease if red squirrels are:- -Grey squirrels are immune to a disease called 'poxvirus' or more commonly known as 'Squirrel Pox' where as red squirrels are not and it causes the red squirrel or 'Fox Squirrel' to die out. -When grey squirrels were introduced many red squirrels were in britain, but now because the population of grey squirrel is far greater than that of the red squirrel, when the two types of squirrels compete for food, shelter etc, the grey squirrel will always come out on top - If you get what I mean :p That's about all I've got at the moment! Hope it helped some of you guys! Mod Joshy x

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The answer is no. Squirrels are mostly brown.

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Red squirrels hibernate.

What color are the squirrels?

well squirrels can either be grey or red. the red squirrels are less common because the grey pass on a disease