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They used chisels, levels, plumb line, mallets, pickaxes and adzes.

the use low grade limestone used to build the pyramid core and granite for the lining of the burial chambers and passageways.

Copper was used make the chisels, the heads of the adzes and picks

Wood for scaffolding, the sledges on which the stones were dragged and for planks along the causeways

Ropes made from palm fronds or papyrus reeds

Lots of pottery to hold food, water and beer

And thousands of slaves

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Q: What materials did the Egyptians use for building pyramids?
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What building materials did the Egyptians use?

For houses, the Ancient Egyptians used mudbrick, and wood for the lintels and windowframes. For temples, tombs, and pyramids, the Ancient Egyptians used stone. Basically, anything that was supposed to last forever was built of stone. Everything else was built of mudbricks.

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The Ancient Egyptians used pyramids to help them prepare for the afterlife.

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A great example of how ancient Egyptians used geometry is in the building of pyramids.

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A simple machine that was used my Egyptians would be a lever or any type of lever that would help them to lift heavy materials while building the pyramids.

What did the ancient egyptians use for building?

They used limestone for most of their pyramids and mostly pure brute strength to carry the limestone.

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What did the Egyptians use pyramids for?

The Egyptians used pyramids to bury the Pharaohs body and to keep the treasure for afterlife safe from tomb robbers.

How did ancient Egyptians use geometry?

Geometry was used in wall or cave paintings they made and found inn everyday objects.

What traps did the ancient Egyptians use in there pyramids?

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