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Primary succession occurs in an area with no soil or organic matter, like an area after a volcanic eruption. Secondary succession occurs where there is already soil.

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Tanya Dach

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Q: When no life exists in an area what type of succession begins?
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Succession that begins in an area that previously did not support life?

Primary Succession :)

When a succession begins habitats have only a few types of life called?


Secondary succession begins with an area where?

Secondary Succession refers to the reintroduction of a community to an area that has previously supported life. Reintroduction may have to happen because a wild fire, flood or earthquake has completely destroyed life in this ecosystem. Secondary succession reaches a climax community quicker than in primary succession because spores and seeds of plants may remain in the soil. Whereas in primary succession this would all take time to come about. Just remember any type of succession starts with increasing the biomass of vegetation so that more life can be supported and more food chains evolved.

When a change takes place leaving no soil or organisms in an area which type of succession occurs pioneer succession primary succession adaptive succession secondary succession?

Things in nature are not black and white, and there are intermediate stages so this makes this question somewhat difficult.Succession that begins in new habitats, uninfluenced by preexisting communities is called primary succession, whereas succession that follows disruption of a preexisting community is called secondary succession.Primary succession: the development of plant and animal life in an area without topsoil; the development of biotic communities in a previously uninhabited and barren habitat with little or no soil.Pioneer succession doesn't exist as a succession term, but pioneer species do.The definition of primary succession fits as the answer to your question.

A biosphere is the area of the earth where life exists.?


When succession begins habitats have few examples of life called?

Primary succession happens in a place where there is no soil and as a gradual growth of an ecosystem over a long period of time. Secondary succession occurs where there is already vegetation but has been destroyed by a natural disaster.

Is the area of the earth where life exists?

Please be more specifical.

What is the area of land and air that life exists is known as?

The biosphere

Describe succession and distinguish between primary and secondary succession?

Success is when life is established after a disaster in an area. Primary succession starts when things like glaciers and volcanic eruptions strip away soil and leave bare rock for pioneer species like lichen and moss to spread their seedlings. Secondary succession begins from soil being left  from things like forest fires and like Primary succession it uses pioneer species like grass and bushes to spread and rebuild.

What are the stages of primary succession?

"Succession is a process of ecological change in which a series of natural communities are established and then replaced over time. Ecologists (scientists who study the relationships of organisms with their living and nonliving environment) generally recognize two kinds of succession, primary succession and secondary succession. Primary succession takes place on an area that is originally completely empty of life. As an example, an area that has been covered by a flow of lava has, for a time, no life at all on it. Over a period of time, however, various kinds of organisms begin to grow in the area. Over time, the variety of life-forms changes as succession continues."

Is grass a primary or secondary succession?

its neither and both... secondary succession merely means that the areas life was destroyed and is growing again... you would have to know the history of the area.

What type of type succession occurs after lava from a volcanic eruption covers an area?

Primary succession occurs, as any life will be incinerated or trapped under solid rock.