

What type of tank do you put a hermit crab in?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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at a minimum, a 10 gallon glass aquariam with a food/water dish, extra shells, places to hide and things to climb, fresh water/ salt water pools, coconut fiber/ sand,

fake plants, and if you want, decorations.

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Q: What type of tank do you put a hermit crab in?
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What type of wood should you put in a hermit crab tank that won't mold?

You should let it mold. It is part of life for a Hermit crab.

Is it all right to put more than one hermit crab in the same tank on the same day?

Yes, hermit crabs don't usually fight. You could give the new hermit crab a bath so that it smells the same as the other hermit crab in you tank.

What can you put in your hermit crab tank to eat the crickets?

well... nothing hermit crabs don`t eat crickets

Are there places that you can take your hermit crab to meet other hermit crabs?

Well if you have a friend who lives close and has hermit crabs then when you are hanging out at each others houses you could bring your hermit crab with you and put it in their tank. (You need a little moving tank. The very small ones with a little handle on the top.) But when you leave you need to bring your hermit crab with you. ~EEE2

Can you put a hermitcrab with goldfish in a 30 gallon tank?

OF COURSE NOT! Hermit crabs drowned in water , they can even drown in water that's not even an inch high , so i will sugest , if u wanna keep ur hermit crab that you don't put it in that , i have a hermit crab and a gold fish and they cant be in the same tank!

Can you put baby hermit crab in with older hermit crabs?

Yes. But, the older crabs may bully the younger ones. And a larger tank would be a necessity.

Can you put half hermit crab sand and half fish rock in a tank in a 10 gallon tank for a hermit crab?

I think that the fish rock might be a little too hard for your hermit crab because he needs soft enough sand to be able to molt and when they molt their skin is sensitive so the fish rock will probably make him uncomfortable.

Can you put a hermit crab in a fish bowl?

it depends how big the hermit crab is or the fish bowl

What type of water can you put in a hermit crab cage?

You should put distilled water and and sea salt water in your crab's tank. It shouldn't be deep enough for the crab to submerge itself in, but they have to be able to get out or they can drown. Hermit crabs need distilled water because the clorine in tap water burns their modified gills and sofacates them, same with table salt. use SEA salt.

What do you need to put in a tank to keep a hermit crab healthy?

Salt water probably the colorful rocks and stuff like that

What happends if your hermit crab is pinching everybody?

if your hermit crab pinches you put it under cold water

Saltwater tank and can not figure out why your red-legged hermit crab ate all your saltwater fish?

hermit crabs should not be put with other animals and your hermit crab needs a better home. Glad i could help p.s 35cm wide tanks can hold 3 hermit crabs