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My best guess would be softwood, because most Alaskan conifers are classified as softwood.

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Q: What type of tree is the black spruce hardwood or softwood?
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Is spruse a hardwood?

No. It's a softwood. The difference isn't a matter of wood density. Softwoods come from needle-leaf trees, and hardwoods come from broadleaf trees. The softest wood in the world is balsa, which is extremely soft and lightweight...but because balsa trees are broadleaf, balsa is a hardwood. On the other hand, Radiata pine is roughly as hard as mahogany - which is unquestionably a hardwood - but because it's a needle-leaf tree it is a softwood.

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A leaf is neither. A cherry tree is a hardwood.

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To my knowledge, any deciduous tree ( A tree that loses it's leaves in the winter) is considered a hardwood. Even the Tulip Poplar tree that is most often mistaken for a softwood, is a hardwood tree.

Is a palm tree hardwood or softwood?

Wikipedia lists palmwood as a hardwood.

Is a Tasmanian oak tree a softwood tree?

No, it's a hardwood.

What type of tree is a spruce tree and what type of tree is a maple tree?

A spruce tree is a coniferous evergreen (pine needles and cones) and most maple trees are deciduous (leaves fall off).

Are sassafras trees hardwood or softwood?

I believe that a sassafras tree is a hardwood

Is aspen a softwood or hardwood?

Aspen , being a deciduous tree, provides a hardwood.

Is a hazelnut tree a hardwood or softwood?

Hardwood comes from trees with wide leaves, while softwood comes from conifers like cypress and pines. The chestnut tree is a hardwood tree.