

What type of viral gene can cause cancer in its host cell?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: What type of viral gene can cause cancer in its host cell?
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Cancer results when cells divide at an uncontrolled rate and form a tumor which invades surrounding tissue What type of viral gene can cause cancer in its host cell?

an oncogene

What gene cause cancer when present in a single copy in a cell?


How might a mutagen cause cancer?

A mutagen could change a gene that tells a cell when to stop growing.

What is the difference between a tumor suppressor gene and an oncogene?

Oncogenes regulate cell division, so if it is placed near an overly active gene, it may itself become overly active, thus causing cancer. Tumor suppressors suppress tumors and will only cause cancer if it stops its activity, contrary to oncogenes.

Which cell causes cancer-Cell 1- DNA altered w product present in normal amounts but not functioning Cell 2- DNA altered w no gene productor 3-DNA altered w normal gene production but overproduced?

Stem Cells cause Cancer!!

What disease can a gene mutation cause?

usually cancer

Cancer is caused when cells grow abnormally and divide in an uncontrolled manner How might a mutagen cause cancer?

A mutagen could change a gene that tells a cell when to stop growing.

A host chromosome with a viral gene inserted into it is a?

The host cell would have transgenic DNA. A vector is often used to this.

What role does p53 have in controlling cell division?

Cell division is regulated by the p53 gene and relates to cancer because Cancer is caused by uncontrolled cell divison

Carcinogens are chemicals that cause?

Cancer or gene mutations.

What is uncontrolled mitosis called?

Cancer is the result of cell not listening to the signals telling it to stop dividing. Cancer cells have a defect in 2 genes ( a gene that allows cancer and a gene that destroys the cancer cell). As a result, the cell will keep on dividing and not do what it is suppose to do. When the mound of cancer cells are present, it is called a tumor.

What are oncogenes and how do they affect the cell cycle?

The region of the viral genome (DNA in DNA tumor-viruses or RNA in RNA-tumor viruses) that can cause a tumor is called an oncogene. This foreign gene can be carried into a cell by the virus and cause the host cell to take on new properties such as immortalization and anchorage-independent growth.