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yes. if you are keeping them as pets then you will need a little bowl of water that is easy for them to climb up to. they need to drink water and also they like to swim in it. always have easy-accesesd water in the tank and refil it once a day. you might need to clean the bowl often if they put lots of sand in it with their claws. they need fresh water (cold) just from a tap every day or every few days to keep them healthy. hope that helps:)

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12y ago

Fresh water. Add two Hs, one O, and hold the salt.

Hermit crabs should be offered BOTH fresh and salt water. The saltwater is NOT table salt-as this will kill your crab-they cannot have iodized salt. The salt offered in pet shops has added calcium which is a necessity for your crab. Hermit crabs are not sea crabs-they are land crabs and different species require more saltwater. Hermit crabs are NOT disposable pets. You need to research crab care and proper crabitats. Painted shells are NOT good for hermit crabs and the most natural the shell the better.

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12y ago

I have my hermies in a fish tank cause it was cheap and inexpensive. The tank is acrilic. Don't buy plastic tanks because it will melt when you have to put a heater on in the winter.

you should have 2-4 small hermies in a ten gallon tank(I have 2 in a ten gallon and it still seems a little small, but better that than some 80 dollar one)

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Tropical habitats.

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Bottled Water

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Q: What type of tank do hermit crabs live in?
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What type of shells do hermit crabs live in when they are in the wild?

Hermit crabs live in sea snail shells so the hermit crabs go in which ever shell they think will be comfy, like turbo shells. Also hermit crabs love shells with a pearl color inside.

Can the little pet hermit crabs you get from Florida live under water?

Most hermit crabs cannot live under water, they can drown, mould or both! Unless you know what exact type of hermit crab I would NOT take any chances on account of most don't! I hope this help, good luck!

What type of crabs live in fresh water?

Yes, there are many types of crabs that live in fresh water.

Are hermit crabs in tundras?

No, unless omeone who lived in a tundra type place keeps them as pets. But wild? No way. Wouldn't live for a day.

Can you keep prawns as pets?

Yes you can keep crabs as can buy fiddler crabs and hermit crabs in most pet and aquarium stores.

What is the closest living relative to a hermit crab?

Truthfully, other than the obvious (crabs and lobsters), they are closely related to the spider.

Do flounder live in saltwater or freshwater?

It depends on the type of crab you are referring to. If it is a hermit crab, it will eventually die because hermit crabs need seawater (seawater contains iodine and other minerals that support the growth of the crab.) If it is a normal crab (the ones you eat and cook) it can adjust to the environment or the freshwater you were talking about. If crabs can live in land, so do they live in fresh water.

Is it not good for hermit crabs pinchers to be purple?

No, it's fine. You just must have purple pincher hermit crabs (also called Caribbean crabs). I have 3 hermit crabs, all purple pinchers. Their claws are red with purple in the center and their legs have a purple-ish & red-ish hue. No worries, that's just the type of crabs they are. Purple pincher crabs are the most common to buy in pets stores.

What type of shell does a hermit crab have?

Hermit crabs can have a variety of different shells, which are called different things. But the overall kind of shells they usually inhabit are sea snail shells, which are washed up onto the shore of the Caribbean of where they live.

What type of land do hermit crabs prefer?

Well They mostly prefer sandy and rocky land

Do humans interact with crabs?

Interact? Hermit crabs and humans are not like. That being said however: Hermit Crabs and humans do both need to eat, and both have their own food pyramid they should eat from to remain healthy. Hermit crabs and humans both need to drink water so they do not become dehydrated. However, water needs to be safe as in hermit crabs if offered tap water needs to have a dechlorinator used to make it safe, whereas humans do not. Hermit crabs and humans both need a certain warmth to prevent hypothermia which can lead to harmful complications or death. Hermit crabs and humans both need salt in their diet even though it is a different type of salt. Hermit crabs need the elements found in ocean/sea water salt/salt mixes and humans need the iodine from salt.

What hermit crab kind is the best?

purple pincher hermit crabs, you can tell this crab apart from other because they have a purple pincher. these need fresh water so the water we drink is the water they need to drink all other type of hermit crabs need salt water