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nephrons with a long loop of henle allow animals living in hotter climates to reabsorb as mush water as possible from their urine before it is excreted.

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Q: What types of adaptations would be beneficial to an organism living in the desert?
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How can organisms be beneficial?

An organism is a living thing, and if something is beneficial that means it has a good effect. For example, vitamins and minerals are beneficial to an organism.

What abiotic organism needs the desert to survive?

There is no such thing as an 'abiotic organism.' Abiotic means 'non living.' Organism means something living. Abiotic organism is an oxymoron.

What zone does the desert live in?

The desert 'lives' nowhere. It is not a living organism but is the home to many living organisms - plants and animals.

What do you call a mutually beneficial relationship between two living organism?

A mutually beneficial relationship between two biotic (living) organisms is called a symbiotic relationship.

Is a desert a living or nonliving thing?

Nonliving, it's an ecosystem, not an organism.

What adaptations are in the Arabian Desert?

Deserts do not adapt. That is something only living organisms such as plants and animals can do,

How do adaptation enable organism's to reduce competition for food and other resources?

The classic example of adaptations is the finches living in the Galapagos Islands.

What adaptations do people have to survive in deserts?

Humans are able to alter their environment to make life in the heat of a desert bearable. Such items as air conditioning or even electric fans can make life in the desert more comfortable as well as constructing homes that are well insulated to hold in cooler air and keep out the heat.

What are the non-living organisms in a hot desert ecosystem?

There is no such thing as a non-living organism. If an organism is not living, it is dead. There are such things as abiotic (non-living) factors, however: soil, sand, rocks, water, air.

What is the introduction about the abiotic and biotic factors of the desert?

Biotc factors - any living organism or product of a living organism,Abiotic factors - nonliving factors such as sand, soil, gravel, rock, water.

Do desert animal adaptations to low amounts of water and high temperatures include living in burrows?

Living in burrows is an important adaptation for desert animals because it is one what that they can avoid the sun. This helps them to need less water and makes them more successful as desert dwellers.

How do you care for a desert rose?

A "Desert Rose" is not a living organism, it is a formation of gypsum crystals that form in desert regions where there are mineral(salt) rich ground waters evaporating near the ground surface.