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Radiant energy in the electromagnetic spectrum. Matter in the form of charged, uncharged and massless particles

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Q: What types of energy and matter does the sun release?
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The sun converts matter into energy in the?

The Sun converts matter into energy in its core. The energy is created by reducing its mass through nuclear fission.

Does lichen get energy from the sun?

No they do not, they get it from decaying matter.

What types of energy does the sun produce us with?

Solar energy!

What are two types of energy that come from the sun?

heat and energy

The sun produces energy from matter in its core through the process of?


Is the sun shine a matter?

it is matter in that all energy can be converted to matter, using E=mc^2

Is sunlight a mineral?

Sunlight is different types of energy (like ultraviolet or visible light) being ejected by the sun. Because sunlight contains only energy and a mineral is made of matter, they are completely opposite.

Name two ways in which the earth system relies on energy from the sun?

by matter and energy

What types of energy is a Solar Panel?

Solar panels harness energy from the sun--Solar energy!

How did the energy get into fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels are made from plant and vegetable matter that died millions of years ago. The plants and vegetables got their energy from the main energy source around here - our sun. Essentially, fossil fuels can be regarded as stored energy from the sun. We use/release that energy again by burning the fuel.

Is Energy from the sun is converted into different types of energy on earth?

its is converted into fossil fuels

What types of energy source not derive from the sun?

Tidal energy, heat from the interior of Earth, and nuclear energy.