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Q: What types of evidence can be found at a murder scene?
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What are the different types of evidence in court?

The four general types of evidence are: -Anecdotal Evidence - Testimonial Evidence - Statistical Evidence - Analogical Evidence Links to articles which can provide you with a clearer answer and descriptions are below.

What types of tiny pieces of evidence could be left at a crime scene?

Hair, fingerprints, and shoeprints.

Types of fingerprints that are usually found at a crime scene?

LATENT fingerprints.

What are types of evidence found at a crime scene?

Fingerprints, impressoin marks, broken glass, paint, hairs and fibers, ballistics, dust or dirt, documents, bodily fluids, etc.

What are the steps detective use to solve a murder?

they get DNA and other things then they go to a laboratory they take test on the evidence then they find witness who seen the suspect during the scene or before the scene they find the suspect go trial and he/she would probably be guilty 9/10 percent

What are the types of evidence that support evolution?

\that the animals can be found all around the world fossils

What are the types of archaeological evidence?

written evidence, pictorial evidence and oral evidence

What are types of crime scene search methods?

dusting for fingerprints, forensics, evidence of a struggle, how has the body (if any) been killed, what has been taken, who is the victim of the crime, does the victim have a criminal record, does the victim have any links to the criminal/suspect.

What to types of evidence are used to classify organisms?

The types of evidence that are used to classify organisms including genetic similarities.

What are 2 types of evidence that suggest that evolution has occured?

Accept fossil evidence, anatomical evidence, molecular evidence

What evidence is needed to charge someone with attempted murder?

Evidence to convict a person or persons of attempted murder could include:A. The testimony of the person who survived the wounds created by a defendant in a hospital where the targeted person was treated.B. Doctors treating the intended victim can testify that the wounds would have been fatal if no treatment was administered.C. The Testimony of a co- conspirator (if there was one) who has turned "States Evidence" against the defendant.D. The testimony of an eye witness to the attempt, a law officer being an eye witness would sure help.E. A letter or other document written by the defendant stating that he/she planned to murder the victim.F. A motive presented by the prosecutor as to why the murder of the ( victim) would benefit the defendant.These are a sample of items of evidence asked by the question. There could be more types of evidence and if so I welcome an edit.

What types of capitol punishment are there?

murder piracy treason