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There are no "types" of litigants. People involved in civil disputes range from rich corporations to minimum wage earners and everyone in between.

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all people involved in a case

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Q: Who are the litigants of a court case?
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What is Civil law designed to settle?

court orders the litigants to settle the case.

When do litigants in a divorce go to court?

Litigants in a divorce go to court if they cannot agree on how to divide or manage their property, money, and children. If litigants file a Joint Petition, the court will concur with the litigants agreement.

Are actors used on tv court shows or are they real litigants?

On reality shows they are usually real litigants

Are litigants on shows like The Peoples Court etc compensated and how?

Yes, the Litigants on court shows like The Peoples Court are paid for their appearance. In the ending credits of the show there is usually a message reading some like "Both the plaintiff and the defendant have been paid from a fund for their appearance. The amount, if any, awarded in the case, is deducted from this fund, and the remainder is divided equally between both litigants. The amount of the fund is dependent on the size of the judgement." In advance of the taping the litigants are given a packet of information detailing all of this.

A person designated by the court to assist destitute of litigants?

counsel de officio

What do litigants have to do to get on Judge Judy?

Have a legitimate legal case that is worth the courts time.

People engaged in lawsuits are called?

litigant that is the term

Can a Judge dismiss a Prose litigants case because he feels the party to be legally incapable of trying a case before a jury?

He will usually NOT dismiss the litigants case, (UNLESS he comes to the conclusion that it is a frivolous one) but the judge WILL appoint a counsel to either take over the case, or "assist" the pro se individual.

What is a moot judgment?

Under the U.S. Constitution and the constitutions of many states, courts are only entitled to hear live cases and controversies. To be a live case or controversy, the litigants must be in dispute over something. A moot case is one where the litigants were disputing something when the case was filed, but later on, the dispute was rectified outside of court. For example, if a plaintiff sues a defendant seeking to enjoin construction of a building, the case would be mooted if the defendant abandoned its plans to construct that building after the lawsuit was filed.

Where do most state cases begin?

State court cases begin in trial courts. They graduate up to the state level if one of the litigants is not satisfied with the decision of the lower court.

What is the disclaimer at the end of the show the peoples court?

"Both the plaintiff and the defendant have been paid from a fund for their appearance. The amount, if any, awarded in the case is deducted from this fund, and the remainder is divided equally between both litigants. The amount of the fund is dependent upon the size of the judgment."

What can interest groups do for potential litigants?

Interest group litigants can affect court decisions in indirect or direct ways. Indirectly they can influence the norms of the legal community by publishing documents in legal journals or submitting legal briefs to judges. Directly they can sponsor a litigant or intervene directly in a case.