

What types of plants do centipedes eat?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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centipedes eat leaves and other plants.

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Q: What types of plants do centipedes eat?
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Are centipedes herbivores carnivores or omnivores?

omnivores because it can eat plants and insect. Centipedes will eat plants if there are no insects around.

Do rabbits eat centipedes?

No, rabbits don't eat centipedes or any bugs: they only eat plants (herbivore/vegan). See the related question below for details.

What kind of plants do centipedes eat?

They don't eat plants. They are predators and eat insects. Millepedes on the other hand eat dead plant material.

What do coyotes eat in the desert?

Well, according to the results, It appears that they are carnivorous, and they also consume/eat plants like cactus, and other plants.

Are centipedes useful?

i dont think so they hurt when they bite and they eat plants

What eat's centipedes?

Birds will eat non poisonous centipedes.

What do centipedes eat?

Centipedes are active hunters, and they look around for smaller insects or spiders to eat. Rarely, a centipede will attack a larger prey. Where there is no prey, they will consume certain types of plants that have some of their necessary proteins. They eat insects, spiders, and other small invertebrates. If the centipede is large enough it will even attack small vertebrates like lizards.

Do centipedes eat food?

centipedes mostly eat worms or little leaves

Do centipedes eat live prey or dead prey?

Centipedes eat live prey.

What food do centipedes eat?

Centipedes are carnivorous. Their diet varies a bit depending on the species. Generally, they prey on smaller insects such as small worms, moth larvae, small slugs, spiders... and even other centipedes. However, some larger species of centipedes have been known to prey on small invertebrates and certain species of centipedes will even eat plants if they cannot find other source of food.

What types of carnivores eat plants?

omnbivores eat plants and animals.

Who are the prediators of centipedes?

humans. people in Australia eat centipedes.