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Sulfur dioxide contributes to acid rain.

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Q: What types of pollution are caused by sulfur dioxide?
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What is the cause of acid rain?

Acid rain is caused by certain types of pollution, most usually from sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide.

What are the classification of air pollution?

There are three main types of gaseous air pollutants. The first is sulfur dioxide, the second is oxides of nitrogen, and the third is the pollution of ozone.

How many pollution are there?

There are hundreds and possibly thousands of pollutants. Examples include carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, lead and particulate matter.

What types of illnesses can sulfur dioxide cause?

Inhaling sulfur dioxide is associated with increased respiratory symptoms and disease, difficulty in breathing, and premature death.

How many different types of atoms are in sulfur dioxide?

1 sulfur atom 2 oxygen atoms

What are three main types of air pollutants produced by electrical power plants in US?

1. Carbine Dioxide 2. Sulfur Dioxide 3. Nitrogen Oxide

What are three main types of air pollutants in the United States?

Carbon Dioxide Sulfur Dioxide Nitrogen Oxides

What types of gases are found in volcanoes?

Here are some: Steam, Carbon Dioxide , Sulfur Dioxide , Hydrogen Sulfide

What are some type of pollutants?

There are numerous types of pollution known to man and the world. Some of these types include air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, and radioactive pollution.

What types of pollution are there?

Secondary pollutants. Secondary pollutants are pollutants caused by man. Which consider smog, chemical pollution,ect.. Primary pollutants. primary pollutants are pollutants that are caused by nature. Volcano's eruptions etc. pollution can be caused in the air water sound and any where in the environment

What are the different types of pollution caused by plastics?

soil pollution. burning can cause air pollution and breathing cause respiratory problems. water pollution.

What types of pollution is generated by gold mining?

Water pollution can be caused if chemicals are used to separate metals from the earth.