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Redness, itching, burning, stinging sensation, numbness if severe.

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Q: What types of symptoms can display after being stung by a marine animal?
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Related questions

What types of symptoms does a casualty display after being stung by a marine animal?

both a and b

What types of symptoms can a caualty display after being stung by a marine animal?

Both A and B

Types of symptoms can a casualty display after being stung by a marine animal?

Both A and B.

What types of symptoms can a causalty display after being stung by a marine animal?

shock muscular cramping, nausea, vomiting and difficulty breathing

Symptoms a casualty display after being stung by a marine animal?

Both A and B (a. Vomiting and difficulty breathing; b. shock, muscular cramping and nausea)

What type pf symptoms can a casualty display after being stung by a marine animal?

A. vomiting and difficulty breathing AND B. shock, muscular cramping, and nausea

What type of symptoms can a casualty display after being a stung by a marine animal?

Swelling and pain at the sting site Muscular cramping Nausea or vomiting Difficulty breathing Other symptoms of shock: fast pulse, clammy skin, dizziness, unconsciousness

What kind of symptoms after being stung by marine animal?

it depends which type of marine animal if there is severe swelling, it is most likely infected, but there are a lot of marine animals that have stings that swell up right away

What types of symptons can a casualty display after being stung by a marine animal?

Common symptoms are pain and allergic reaction, inflammation and infection.

What types of symptoms can a casualty display after being stung by an animal?

Redness, puffyness and excessive swollenness, hives can also occur.

What types of symptoms can casualty dispaly after being stung by a marine animal?

death and illness but if your lucky you survive the sting.

What type of water should you use after being stung by a marine animal?
