

What types of teeth do you have if you have baby teeth?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Well you just answered your own question. You have baby teeth. But babies mostly have pegs, but they do have 4 canies ( 4 sharp teeth ) sorry i don't knoiw how to spell that word so i put the definiton in peritithies

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12y ago
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Q: What types of teeth do you have if you have baby teeth?
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Baby teeth are called deciduous teeth. why?

Baby teeth are temporary primary teeth. They will be replaced later by adult teeth.

How many teeth does a baby tiger have?

A baby tiger has 20 teeth

Are back teeth baby teeth?

no they are wisdom teeth

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What is one name for the teeth you have as a child?

milk teeth Deciduous teeth. Reborner teeth. Baby teeth. Temporary teeth. Primary teeth. In Asia: Fall teeth. In Europe: Milk teeth.

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because baby's teeth are way smaller than older kids teeth

Are wolf cubs born with teeth?

Wolf pups are not born with teeth. But they will develop deciduous teeth or (baby teeth) after three or four weeks. They have about 28 baby teeth. They will loose their baby teeth between 14 and 30 weeks.

Why baby teeth are also called deciduous teeth?

Baby teeth are temporary primary teeth. They will be replaced later by adult teeth.

What are baby teeth made out of?

milk teeth.

Why do you call one baby teeth and the other adult teeth?

Baby teeth fall out between the ages of sis and twelve. Then adult teeth grow in.

Can you grow teeth after your baby teeth fell out?

Yes because even when you have baby teeth your grown up teeth are in the back getting ready to grow

What are the types of baby teeth and what are the functions?

There are 3 types of baby, or deciduous, teeth. The first are the incisors, just like the permanent incisors we have 4 upper and 4 lower, that are designed to tear our food. Basically that is what the canines are for as well, the second type. The third type of teeth are the molars, again like our permanent teeth they are designed to chew or masticate our food. The adult premolars or bicuspids will erupt into the position of the baby molars. Our permanent molars erupt behind those starting at about the age of 6. The second set of molars follows, and our third set known as wisdom teeth erupt at about age 18. Some people feel baby teeth are our practice teeth, but it is probably more accurate to say we were designed to have two sets for our growth.