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Cheetahs prefer the open semi-arid grasslands, such as the savanna, with lots of tall grass and few trees.

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Q: What vegetation is found in the cheetahs habitat?
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What is the cheetah's habitat vegetation?

The cheetahs vegetation is a light brush of trees and bushes in the savanna planes

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How did the cheetahs lose their natural habitat?

cheetahs lost their habitat from the heavy winds and rain.

Is a cheetah a main prey to the tiger?

No. Tigers prey on deer, not cheetahs. Cheetahs and tigers aren't even found in the same habitat or even continent anyway.

What is the habitat of all cheetahs?

Cheetahs live on the African savannah.

What lives in a cheetah habitat?


Are cheetahs important in their habitat?

yes they are

What is a cheetah's habitat area?

Cheetahs are found in parts of Africa and Asia. For a range map showing current and former cheetah habitat, click on this link.

Do humans disrupt cheetahs habitat?


How hot is it in a cheetahs habitat?

about 95 degrees

What is an example of habitat isolation?

cheetahs and lions.

Why are saharan cheetahs endangered?

habitat loss