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American citizens view the government as "in the way", also known as interventionist. The American people seek to have minimum government presence and intervention, and holds it accountable for any misgivings or shortcomings.

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7y ago

Americans believe:

  • that government should be representative, meaning that a government should represent their values and beliefs.
  • Americans also believe that every citizen has a voice in their government, particularly in their elected officials.
  • Americans believe in democracy and free elections
  • Americans believe that every citizen should be treated equally.
  • Americans believe in a strong national defense
  • Americans believe that their government should have a system of checks and balances.
  • Americans believe that the three branches of government (executive, judicial, and legislative) should be independent of each other but work together.

Beyond that, what Americans should believe about their government is found in the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence.

Within these documentations and beliefs are many shades of gray and interpretation. What different groups of citizens believe about the above issues breaks down when passed through an individual's filters based on experience, knowledge, and personal leaning.

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