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Calcium IS a vitamin which is needed for strong bones and to help muscles to contract and expand. Cheese, milk, sardines and yoghurts are good sources of calcium

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10y ago

Some good sources of Calcium with vitamin D are: Cheese, egg yolks, kale, spinach, white beans, soy beans, tuna, mackerel, Okra, collard greens, salmon, to name a few.

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Q: What is a good source of calcium with vitamin d?
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Is vitamin d a source of mineral?

No, vitamin D is a vitamin. Minerals are a separate nutrient category. However, vitamin D does aid in calcium absorption, and calcium is a mineral.

Why is milk a good source for children?

milk gives them strong bones, vitamin d, and calcium.

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What would be a good supplement for vitamin D?

The sun is not a source of vitamin D you get that from calcium, and dairy products like milk. You can also go to a health food store or department store and purchase vitamins.

Which is a good source of vitamin d?

There is no known good natural source of vitamin D other than exposure to sunlight. If needed, there are always Vitamin D supplements, however these aren't as efficiently absorbed compared to the natural source.

Which vitamin provides for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus by bones and teeth?

Vitamins A , C and D. Calcium also helps

What is good source of Vitamin D?

The sun

Which vitamin you will get in cow milk?

Milk is a good source of vitamin D.

Is vitamin D good for teeth?

Yes. Vitamin D is essential in the formation and maintenance of bones and teeth by regulating the absorption and use of calcium and phosphorus. Without Vitamin D, your body will not utilize as much calcium as you ingest.

Should you take calcium or vitamin d for broken ribs?

Calcium but they are both very good for you

What foods contain calcium and vitamin D?

Cod liver oil contains large quantity of Vitamin D. Other fish liver oils also probably contain vitamin D. But then other food in your daily life including dairy products contain very less quantity of vitamin D. You get it from ultraviolet rays of morning sunlight. Unless given supplement, most of the people are having sub-clinical vitamin D deficiency, probably. Regarding the calcium, you have enough of the same in many foods. Milk and milk products and custard apple are good source of calcium. But without vitamin D the calcium will not be absorbed from your intestine.

What pair of substance are needed for healthy bones?

Vitamin D and Calcium