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The anal sphincter and the bladder sphincter in potty trained children and in most other people whose spinal cords are intact or are not suffering from some diseases.

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13y ago

External urethral sphincter

the involuntary/autonomic would therefore be the internal urethral sphincter.

Hope that helped!

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12y ago

External anal sphincter.

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Q: Is the Sphincter a voluntary muscle?
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What voluntary muscle delays urination?

external urethral sphincter

Why does the anal canal have a voluntary sphincter formed by smooth muscle?

You can imagine the situation, in which case the anal sphincter in involuntary. In that case you defecate with out your knowledge.

The voluntary sphincter is the -----sphincter?

outer anal sphincter

Is the bladder a voluntary muscle?

The majority of the bladder is made of detrusor muscle. This muscle is told by the nervous system to contract when it expands. This is what causes the feeling of needing to urinate. In order to urinate the involuntary muscle the internal sphincter, and the voluntary muscle the external sphincter must both be opened. The detrusor muscle moves involuntarily, so the bladder would probably considered an involuntary muscle.

How does the muscle of the internal anal sphincter differ from that of the external anal sphincter?

The internal urethral sphincter an involuntary sphincter that keeps the urethra closed when urine is not being used. The external urethral sphincter is fashioned by skeletal muscles as the urethra passes thorugh the pelvic floor.This sphincter is voluntary controlled.

What muscle does the esophagus pass through to reach the stomach?

The lower esophageal sphincter muscle/the cardiac sphincter muscle.

Which is the voluntary sphincter of the anal canal?

Assholicus Maximus & Buttockical Minimus

What kind of muscle is the orbicularis oculi and orbicularis oris in terms of function?

Sphincter Muscle

Which sphincter allows for defecation and is under voluntary control?

The external anal sphincter is under voluntary control. You have the urge to defecate because your internal anal sphincter involuntarily opens, but you can keep yourself from going to the bathroom because your external anal sphincter is voluntarily closed. Hope that helps!

Is the neck a voluntary or involuntary muscle?

neck muscle is voluntary muscle i think this is correct

Is duodenum a sphincter muscle?


What is the muscle that controls the urethra?

The muscle called the urethral sphincter muscle is what constricts in the urethra. The urethral orifice is what is actually constricted by the urethral sphincter.