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In 1965 13-year-old Mary Beth Tinker and two other students wore black armbands to school to mourn those who died in the Vietnam War. School authorities suspended them for wearing the armbands, and the teens eventually took their case to the Supreme Court.

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Q: What war was Mary Beth tinker protesting?
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Related questions

What was Mary Beth Tinker supporting with her black armband?

to protest the Vietnam war.

What Supreme Court ruling held that schools could not prevent students from protesting the Vietnam War?

Tinker v. Des Moines, 393 US 503 (1969)For more information, see Related Questions, below.

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Why were you protesting against the Vietnam war?

They protesting the military draft. Draft riots, draft card burning.

What is the significance of tinker v. Des Moines?

It's a case revolving around students (the Tinkers)and their friend wearing armbands protesting the Vietnam War. The school forbade the act of wearing armbands as a sign of political/war protest, but it is the student's right to have a freedom of speech and expression (First Amendment). The Supreme Court ruled the case in favor of Tinker because of the First Amendment and because there was no disruption towards the class nor the students.

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Reaction to Vietnam war?

Protesting and dodging the draft.

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Tinker v. Des Moines, (1969) stemmed from three students' protest of the Vietnam War.

What were the students protesting when the school district suspended them?

the Vietnam war

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What were the students protesting when the school districts suspended them?

the Vietnam War

What were the students protesting when the schools district suspended them?

the Vietnam War