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Thälmann was the leader of the Communist Pary of Germany (KPD) and was anti-Nazi. His involvement in the appointment of Hitler was nil.

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Q: What was Ernst Thalmann's involvement before or during the appointment of Hitler as chancellor?
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When was Hitler appointed chancellor in Germany?

Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany in 1933.

What was Hitler after he was chancellor?

After Hitler was Chancellor, he was dead! He committed suicide while in office as Chancellor of Germany on April 30, 1945.

What year was Hitler chancellor of Germany?

Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany in 1933.

What countries did Hitler become chancellor of?

Hitler became chancellor of Germany in 1933, and that was it.

Who was chancellor before Hitler in 1933?

Lieutenant General Kurt von Schleicher, he was Chancellor of Germany for only 57 days before Hitler comed along and Schleicher was demoted to Vice Chancellor and Hitler war promoted to chancellor.

Was Adolph Hitler the primeinister?

Hitler was the Chancellor of Germany.

What title did adolf Hitler acquire in 1933?

Adolf Hitler acquired the title of Chancellor of Germany in 1933.

How long was Hitler chancellor before he became dictator?

When Hitler become Chancellor of Germany on January 30th 1933, Hitler was 43 Years old.

Who made Hitler chancellor of Germany?

He was appointed Chancellor by President Hindenburg.

Was Hitler still chancellor in 1937?

Yes, he was chancellor until 1945.

What was unique about the takeover of Germany by Hitler?

The takeover of Germany by Hitler was one of a kind because it was done legally by Von Hindenburg's appointment of Hitler to Chancellor. Later when President Von Hindenburg died in 1934, his office of President, meaning "head of State" was an election issue. Hitler, in 1934 ran for President and was elected. He then combined the office of Chancellor & President into one office. Chancellor meant head of the government, President meant Head of State. As President, Von Hindenburg could have removed Hitler from office. Failing to see that Hitler took over Germany legally creates false history.

When did Hitler start ruling?

He was appointed Chancellor on 30 January 1933.