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Gutenberg's family was poor and was not very popular so he did not have very many influences. Therefore he was not able to go to school.

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Johann Gurenberg attended...

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Q: What type of education did Gutenberg receive?
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Where did Johannes Gutenberg go to school?

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The inventor of the movable type for printing was?

. Gutenberg

How did Johann Gutenberg get his education?

johanne Gutenberg did not go to school he was home shooled by his parents. so that's the answer

How can you use the word Gutenberg?

The Gutenberg bible was the first created using movable type.

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Johannes Gutenberg did not receive any known awards during his lifetime. However, he is widely recognized and celebrated for his invention of the movable-type printing press, which revolutionized the production of books and other printed materials.

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Johannes Gutenberg

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gutenberg's bible i think

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Who played a leading role in perfecting movable type for printing?

Johann Gutenberg

Who was the inventor of moveable type?

The Chinese invented moveable type, and Johann Gutenberg, a monk from Germany, invented the printing press which used the Chinese's method of moveable type, just in a simplified and simpler way.