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Johannes' field of study was astronomy and mathematics.

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Q: What was Johannes Kepler field of study?
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Johannes Kepler

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I'm pretty sure you're thinking of Johannes Kepler.

Who was the first scientist to study the sun?

Johannes Kepler, a German astronomer and mathematician.

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No. Johannes Kepler was an astronomer and mathematician.

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What else was Johannes Kepler known for?

Johannes Kepler is one name that will always be associated with the field of astronomy. The chief founder of contemporary astronomy, he was also a great mathematician and astrologer. Kepler was the first person to explain planetary motion.

What was named after Johannes Kepler?

The Kepler Space Mission was named after Johannes Kepler. Johannes Kepler was an astronomy. The Kepler Space Mission is a mission to search for a habitable earth like orbiting star.

Who discovered that planets have elliptical orbits?

Johannes Kepler proposed that these planets orbit the sun in ellipses, not circles. That is why we have Kepler's Law of Planetary Motion.

When was Johannes Kepler born?

Johannes Kepler was born on December 27, 1571.

What is Johannes Kepler's birthday?

Johannes Kepler was born on December 27, 1571.