

What was cholera in the 1800?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What was cholera in the 1800?
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Related questions

What was the prevention of cholera in 1800?

Cholera did not exist in the U.S. or Europe in 1800. It appeared in the 1830's. Once it arrived, the only method of prevention was sanitation and keeping drinking water free of contamination by the cholera bacillus

What happened to the victim who got cholera in 1800?

you die

In the 1800's what are the chances of a child surviving cholera?


How many died in the 2010 Haitian Cholera epidemic?

1800 people

What was the cure for cholera in 1800s?

To re-hydrate a victim of cholera in the 1800's, you could mix sugar, salt, and water and drink in large amounts.

What industries in New York City were effected by cholera in the late 1800's?

gotham law offices

Why did people commonly die in the late 1800's?

Cholera, malaria and thyroid fever are some of the stated causes of death in the 1800's. However, some doctors were diagnosing patients differently.

Why was cholera so deadly in 1800 England?

They did not know how to sanitize objects to keep germs off of them. Thus, germs spread quickly throughout a small town.

What was life in Africa like in the 1700 - 1800?

the main serious diseases are Cholera, Yellow fever, Malaria, and Tphoid fever

What are the different types of vibrio cholera?

Vibrio cholera-01Vibrio cholera-0139Vibrio cholera-non-01Vibrio cholera-non-0139

What is a sentence using cholera?

cholera is poopy.

How does a cholera vaccination make you immune to cholera?

In cholera vaccination you are injected the dead cells of cholera. So you get antibodies to cholera. This vaccine is not very effective. The protection rate is some where 50 to 60 % only. So you can not keep faith on the vaccine for protection from cholera.