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The duke.

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Q: What was every noble except for the lowest one on the social ladder in relation to a lower noble?
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Every noble except for the lowest on the social ladder?

Every noble except for the lowest on the social ladder was a land-owner. Land ownership was actually one of the biggest signs of wealth.

Which nobel was the lowest on the social ladder?

Rabindranath Tagore, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913, was among the lowest on the social ladder as a poet from India.

True or false. Every noble except for the lowest one on the social ladder was the suzerain of a lower noble?

True. Lords were also "vassals" of higher lords.

What does rungs mean?

A rung is a level on a ladder, but in a social sense, this word is usually used to say someone is on the "bottom rung", meaning, the bottom of the social ladder, lowest of the low. Someone who does not matter at all.

What was the social ladder among the slaves?

The slave social ladder: look at the caste systems in India

What is the definition of social relation and social relationship?

Social relation and social relationship is the same thing according to sociologist. It is the interaction between two or more individuals.

What is the relation of economics to social and natural sciences?

The relation is ahehehehhe

What do you call someone above you in the social ladder?

Your Superior or something..

Who were gachupines and criollos?

on the social ladder is gachupines and criolles are they equal?

Relation of economic geography with economics and other branches of social science?

no relation......

Is there social mobility up and down the ladder in India caste system?


What is the role of social mobility in human society?

to climba financila ladder