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Q: What was formed to protect Europe against the Soviet Union?
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What was the response to the formation of NATO by the Soviet Union?

The Soviet Union formed the Warsaw Pact to use the occupied nations of Eastern Europe as a buffer zone against the US and western Europe.

Why are Russia and China not NATO members?

NATO was formed to protect Europe and the United States from communism including the Soviet Union and Communist China.

What is the Federal Civil Defense Administration?

The Federal Civil Defense Administration was a geovernment agency that was formed to protect the United States against the Soviet Union, its atomic attacks, and its Communist threats.

What statement does not describe NATO?

NATO was formed to protect its members from aggression by the Soviet Union.

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Which group formed to stop the spread of soviet influence in western Europe?

the united nations

What is the name of the military organization that the U.S. and western European nations formed after World War 2?

N.A.T.O. was formed as a counter to Soviet expansion in Europe following WWII.

What important decision was made as a result of the alliance formed before World War 1?

A German-Austrian alliance was formed to protect Germany against Russia before the start of WWI.

What important was made as a result of the alliances formed before world war i?

A German- Austrian was formed to protect Germany against Russia.

Why was NATO formed?

To provide collective security against the Soviet Union

What happened regarding religion after the soviet breakup?

After the Soviet Union collapsed, huge openings formed in Europe. Many Christian missionaries went all throughout former soviet-europe and russia sharing the Gospel. The government invited Christians into schools, encouraged church-planting, and was very positive toward missionaries because they had been so deprived of religion during the soviet rule. Thousands of people became Christians in Europe after the Soviet Union collapsed.

What important decision was made as a result of the alliances formed before world war i?

A German- Austrian was formed to protect Germany against Russia.